Homebodii Bride of the Month: Kayla Skipper

Kayla, a 29-year-old Public Relations Manager in tech, lives in Charleston, SC with her husband, two dogs, and cat. Her weekends are spent at the beach, exploring new restaurants, or attending country concerts. Kayla took charge of planning her wedding, appreciating the freedom to manage every detail herself. She and her husband made their wedding uniquely theirs by ignoring conventional expectations and focusing on what they wanted, resulting in a magical day filled with calm and joy. She is incredibly grateful for their supportive vendors, friends, and family. Kayla's advice to brides is to prioritize their relationship above all else. Her special Homebodii moment featured the elegant Georgina robe, adding a touch of luxury to her wedding day preparations.

A little bit about me

I’m 29 years old and live in Charleston, SC with my (now!!) husband, two dogs, and cat. I work as a Public Relations Manager in tech and spend my weekends at the beach, checking out new restaurants, or going to country concerts!  

Our approach to planning the wedding was…

“Our” approach was basically “my” approach 😊 My husband didn’t care much for planning out the details, which I actually appreciated because it meant I had total control hehehe. I’m super type A by nature, so planning came naturally to me. I immediately went into planning mode after getting engaged and tried to get as much done as possible in the early stages so the months leading up to my wedding were not insane. My approach was check off the to-do list ASAP and keep moving along!

Looking back on the day we are so glad that we… 

Did what WE wanted to do! There is a lot of noise in the wedding industry and guidelines on what you “should” or “shouldn’t” do. We didn’t follow any of that and just made the day feel like “us.” Saying no to requests/opinions from friends and family can sometimes be hard, but we knew we wanted it to be OUR day and we stuck to that. It turned out absolutely magical!

The most unexpected part of the day was… 

How calm and at ease I felt throughout the entire day! Wedding planning is STRESSFUL, and you always hear how the day of can sometimes be chaotic, nerve-wracking, etc. Fortunately, I didn’t experience any of that and had a sense of peace and calmness throughout the entire day because I knew no matter what I was going to marry the love of my life.

When I look back on the day now I feel… 

GREATFUL. I almost cry just thinking about it. I’m so thankful we had a team of amazing vendors who made the day so seamless. I have so much love for our friends and family who showed up from near and far to celebrate our special day. And of course, I’m grateful for my amazing husband and the life we have together!

A word of advice to new brides would be...

There’s a ton of tips I could give a new bride, but ultimately it boils down to prioritising you and your partner. All of the other stuff is just extra, and it’s certainly fun. But at the end of the day, put your relationship first and everything else will fall into place.

My Homebodii moment was special because and I wore… 

The Georgina robe! From the second I saw this robe, I knew I had to wear it for getting ready on my wedding day. The robe is absolutely stunning and made me feel so feminine and romantic!It was such a luxurious addition to my getting-ready attire!

@kaylasfarr @franziannika.photography

Kayla's Morning-of Robe